206 Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 – 1DL.

P Blavatsky
The Russo – Turkish
War 1876-78
in the Context of History
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H P Blavatsky was very familiar with the Balkans as she had toured
the region in 1866-67. During the time she was there, Serbia gained its
independence from Ottoman rule. HPB had met Prince Michael of Serbia on a
previous visit and was a good friend of his aunt Princess Catherine. Her
interest in Serbian and general Balkan nationalist aspirations and the struggle
against Austrian and Ottoman rule is clear in the extract below from her
article “Can the Double Murder ?” which begins with the murder of both Prince
Michael and Princess Catherine.
After leaving the Balkans, HPB joined Garibaldi’s army in Italy and was
wounded at the battle of Mentana in an
abortive attempt to liberate the Papal States from French
To the Editor
of The Sun.
Sir, -- One
morning in 1867 Eastern
Europe was startled
by news of the most
horrifying description. Michael Obrenovitch,
reigning Prince of Serbia, his
aunt, the Princess Catherine or Katinka,
and her daughter had been murdered in broad daylight, near Belgrade, in their own garden, assassin or assassins
remaining unknown. The Prince had received several bullet-shots, and stabs, and
his body was actually butchered; the Princess was killed on the spot, her head
smashed, and her young daughter, though still alive, was not expected to
survive. The circumstances are too recent to have been forgotten, but in that
part of the world, at the time, the case created a delirium of excitement.
In the
Austrian dominions and in those under the doubtful protectorate of
Turkey, from Bucharest down to Trieste, no high family felt secure. In those
half Oriental countries every Montecchi
has its Capuletti, and it was rumoured
that the bloody deed was perpetrated by the Prince Kara-Gueorguevitch,
or "Tzerno-Gueorgey," as he is usually
called in those parts. Several persons innocent of the act were, as is usual in
such cases imprisoned, and the real murderers escaped justice. A young relative
of the victim, greatly beloved by his people, a mere child, taken for the
purpose from a school in Paris, was brought over in ceremony to Belgrade and
proclaimed Hospodar of Serbia. In the turmoil of
political excitement the tragedy of Belgrade was forgotten by all but an old Serbian matron
who had been attached to the Obrenovitch family, and
who, like Rachel, would not be comforted for the death of her children. After the proclamation of the young Obrenovitch,
nephew of the murdered man, she had sold out her property and disappeared; but
not before taking a solemn vow on the tombs of the victims to avenge their
Prince Michael and Princess Catherine were murdered on June 10th 1867, about 3 months after HPB
left the region and she goes on to tell how the murder is avenged.
“Can the Double Murder ?” is one of selection
of short stories
Nightmare Tales (Short stories)
Supported by Russian foreign policy, Serbia and the
Balkan states still under Ottoman rule organized themselves to throw off Turkish
oppression and in 1876 this erupted into a pan-Balkan war that brought in Russia.
HPB support Russian foreign policy and gave the proceeds of
payments for articles published in Russian newspapers and magazine to the Red
Cross in Russia.
The last Russo-Turkish War (1876-78) was also the most important
one. In 1876 Russia and its ally
Serbia came to the
aid of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria in their
rebellions against Turkish rule. The Russians attacked through Bulgaria, and after
successfully concluding the Siege of Pleven they
advanced into Thrace, taking Adrianople (now Edirne, Tur.) in January 1878. In March of that year Russia concluded
the Treaty of San Stefano with Turkey. This treaty
freed Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro from Turkish
rule, gave autonomy to
Bosnia and Herzegovina, and created
a huge autonomous Bulgaria under Russian
protection. Britain and Austria-Hungary, alarmed by the Russian gains contained in the treaty, compelled Russia to accept
the Treaty of Berlin (July 1878), whereby Russia's
military-political gains from the war were severely
Treaty of San Stefano (March 3 [Feb. 19, Old Style], 1878), peace
settlement imposed on the Ottoman government by Russia at the
conclusion of the Russo-Turkish War of 1876-78; it provided for a new
disposition of the European provinces of the Ottoman Empire that would
have ended any effective Turkish
control over the
Balkans if its provisions had not later been modified. Its
most important provision established an independent Bulgarian principality,
which included most of Macedonia and extended
to the Danube and from the Aegean to the Black Sea. The
independence of Serbia, Montenegro, and Romania was
The boundaries of Serbia and Montenegro were
extended so as to be contiguous, while Romania was
compelled to cede southern Bessarabia to Russia, receiving
the Dobrudja from Turkey in exchange.
Bosnia-Hercegovina was to be autonomous. Parts of
Asiatic Turkey were ceded to Russia, and the
Ottoman sultan gave guarantees for the security of his Christian subjects.
The treaty was opposed by Austria-Hungary, which
disliked encouragement of Slav nationalism, and by the British, who feared the
new Bulgarian state would become a Russian satellite and a threat to Istanbul. The treaty
was modified by
the terms of the
Treaty of Berlin signed four months later on July 13.
Congress of Berlin (June 13-July 13, 1878), diplomatic meeting of
the major European powers at which the Treaty of Berlin replaced the Treaty of
San Stefano, which had been signed by Russia and Turkey (March 3, 1878) at the
conclusion of the Russo-Turkish War of 1876-78. Officially convoked by the
Austrian foreign minister, Count Gyula Andrassy, the congress met in Berlin on June 13.
Dominated by the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the congress solved an
international crisis caused by the San Stefano treaty by revising the peace
settlement to satisfy the interests of Great Britain (by denying Russia the
means to extend its naval power and by maintaining the Ottoman Empire as a
European power) and to satisfy the interests of Austria-Hungary (by allowing it
to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina and thereby increase its influence in the
Balkans). In acting
so, however, the congress left Russia humiliated
by substantially reducing the gains that it had made under the San Stefano
treaty. Furthermore, the congress failed to consider adequately the aspirations
of the Balkan peoples themselves and, thereby, laid the foundation for future
crises in the Balkans.
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