Cardiff Theosophical Society

206 Newport Road,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 1DL




Theosophy Cardiff

President’s Annual Report for 2008

For AGM January 25th 2009



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During 2008, we have maintained our membership with good attendances at all events. The schedule of at least one Theosophical event per month has been maintained and well supported.. The DVD followed by Meditation format has proved exceptionally popular. Members and itinerant speakers have delivered some interesting lectures and workshops on a wide range of subjects. The successful Huna group continues and the innovative Master Key Study Group has drawn new people to the Society. Healing Groups, Sanskrit Mantra and Tarot Reading events have also taken place. A Mahatma Letters Group is continuing and an introductory Theosophical Study Group is being canvassed. The recent development of a Scrabble evening may signal the start of a social side to our activities which can be developed.


Social and charity events have been well supported with a garden party (indoors) and a mass outing to Caerleon and a Christmas party with an abundance of quizzes. The Charity Car Boot Sale broke new ground and the White Poppy Meditation was very well supported and appears to have raised our profile with the Theosophical Order of Service. The bookstall is still popular and the weekly raffle has sent a donkey, plough and seeds to Africa.


The main Theosophy Cardiff Website has attracted new people to meetings and enquirers worldwide. The new improved Aura advert is drawing people in and we have a free slot in the South Wales Echo. The events information line still gets regular calls and about 150 people receive the weekly email which always contains Theosophical material. The weekly email now goes worldwide and has made us some useful contacts in the Theosophical Movement.


Jo Winter has put a mission statement on the notice board and I have often seen people stop and read this. We now have whiteboard to publicize events, which is much easier than using posters.


We now have several high profile websites which are drawing attention. I have attempted, on these websites, to develop a modern and entertaining presentation of Theosophy without dumming down. Some of these sites have a humorous component and I am getting some very positive feedback about this from inside and outside the Society. The key definitive Theosophical texts were written between 1875 and 1891 and are by nature complex and we should always be aware of how intimidating these can be for the new enquirer. Material written in the forty years after HPB’s death tends to present less of a barrier if we can ease the new enquirer towards it. 


There is a shortage of entry level material and I have tried to address this with The Streetwise Theosophy Boards and Basic website, both of which can be used as introductory courses. These are regularly promoted on the weekly email. Many of the interpretations of Theosophical teachings are even now often written in an archaic genteel style, which repels modern readers, who have no knowledge of the subject. The situation improves once a person has some knowledge of Theosophical ideas.


There is ultimately no substitute for serious study but in our On-demand Society, people expect to be able to grasp an overview of a subject quickly and have it presented in a modern style. We should aim at making Theosophy more accessible to get newcomers on board and as a basis for further study.


Theosophy as promoted by H P Blavatsky is the key and essential part of our act but we should take care to cater for those who have an interest in general esoteric subjects rather than a specific interest in Theosophy. Also, while making Theosophical Teachings always available, we should allow people to find their own level in Theosophy rather than forcing it on them. I believe that this approach is a strategy for survival for the Theosophical Movement.


Speakers have already taken advantage of the new Power Point facility and we have a selection of specifically Theosophical DVDs from America to show. We hope to add a broadband facility which will enable us to download Theosophical and other esoteric film material from the internet.


After a long period of difficulty, in March 2008 we finally decided to separate ourselves from the Welsh Regional Association (formed 1993), while remaining part of the Adyar Theosophical Society. The decision was taken after considerable discussion, a special meeting of members and obtaining satisfactory legal advice from Solicitors. In February 2008 we sent a letter explaining our difficulties with the WRA to Adyar Headquarters and requesting that in future we deal directly with Adyar. In advance of the March 2008 WRA meeting we sent a letter outlining our reasons for separation and affirming this decision to the Welsh Regional Association Secretary with a copy to all WRA officers. A copy of this letter remains available to all members on request. Adyar Headquarters accepted the new arrangement and we now pay a proportion of our subscriptions to Adyar.


There was no initial response from the Regional Association and we were hoping to put this matter behind us, but on December 30th 2008, Regional Secretary, Julie Cunningham demanded that we hand over our Charter to her. Cardiff Secretary, Sue Hendricksen has sent a reply to this which we hope will finally close the door on this matter.


The Regional Association affair has made to difference to the enthusiasm of members and as far as Cardiff is concerned, we have had a really good year. I feel there is a lot of energy in Theosophy Cardiff which will carry us forward.


I would like to thank everyone for their tremendous effort and support over the past year.


Dave Marsland

Theosophy Cardiff President





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Cardiff Theosophical Society

206 Newport Road,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 -1DL



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more info about Theosophy




Cardiff Theosophical Society meetings are informal

and there’s always a cup of tea afterwards




The Cardiff Theosophical Society Website




The National Wales Theosophy Website



Theosophy Cardiff’s Instant Guide to Theosophy


Cardiff Theosophical Archive


Cardiff Blavatsky Archive

A Theosophy Study Resource


Theosophy Cardiff’s Gallery of Great Theosophists


Dave’s Streetwise Theosophy Boards

The Theosophy Website that welcomes

absolute beginners.

If you run a Theosophy Study Group, please

feel free to use any material on this Website


Blavatsky Blogger

Independent Theosophy Blog


The Most Basic Theosophy

 Website in the Universe

A quick overview of Theosophy 

and the Theosophical Society

If you run a Theosophy Study Group you 

can use this as an introductory handout.


Quick Blasts of Theosophy

One liners and quick explanations

About aspects of Theosophy


The Blavatsky Blogger’s

Instant Guide To

Death & The Afterlife


Blavatsky Calling

The Voice of the Silence Website


Hey Look!

Theosophy in Cardiff


Hey Look

Theosophy in Wales


Theosophy Cardiff Burn-Up


Theosophy Wales Burn-Up


Theosophy Wales Vanguard


Theosophy Wales 2008 Changes





Cardiff Theosophy Start-Up

A Free Intro to Theosophy


The Blavatsky Free State

An Independent Theosophical Republic

Links to Free Online Theosophy 

Study Resources; Courses, Writings, 

Commentaries, Forums, Blogs




Visit the Feelgood Lodge

The main criteria for the inclusion of

links on this site is that they have some

relationship (however tenuous) to Theosophy

and are lightweight, amusing or entertaining.

Topics include Quantum Theory and Socks,

Dick Dastardly and Legendary Blues Singers.



The New Rock ‘n Roll

An entertaining introduction to Theosophy


Nothing answers questions

like Theosophy can!

The Key to Theosophy


Wales! Wales! Theosophy Wales

The All Wales Guide To

Getting Started in Theosophy

For everyone everywhere, not just in Wales


Brief Theosophical Glossary


The Akashic Records

It’s all “water under the bridge” but everything you do

makes an imprint on the Space-Time Continuum.


Theosophy and Reincarnation

A selection of articles on Reincarnation

by Theosophical writers

Provided in response to the large number

of enquiries we receive on this subject


Theosophical Glossary

prepared by W Q Judge


The South of Heaven Guide to

Theosophy and Devachan


The South of Heaven Guide to

Theosophy and Dreams


The South of Heaven Guide to

Theosophy and Angels




No Aardvarks were harmed in the

preparation of this Website


Theosophy in Utah


Theosophy Avalon

The Theosophy Wales

King Arthur Pages


The Tooting Broadway

Underground Theosophy Website

The Spiritual Home of Urban Theosophy


The Mornington Crescent

Underground Theosophy Website

The Earth Base for Evolutionary Theosophy




H P Blavatsky’s Heavy Duty

Theosophical Glossary

Published 1892




Complete Theosophical Glossary in Plain Text Format





Classic Introductory Theosophy Text

A Text Book of Theosophy By C W Leadbeater


What Theosophy Is  From the Absolute to Man


The Formation of a Solar System  The Evolution of Life


The Constitution of Man  After Death  Reincarnation


The Purpose of Life  The Planetary Chains


The Result of Theosophical Study




The Occult World

By Alfred Percy Sinnett


Preface to the American Edition    Introduction


Occultism and its Adepts    The Theosophical Society


First Occult Experiences   Teachings of Occult Philosophy


Later Occult Phenomena    Appendix



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Theosophical Societies




Pages About Wales

General pages about Wales, Welsh History

and The History of Theosophy in Wales


Wales is a Principality within the United Kingdom

and has an eastern border with England.

The land area is just over 8,000 square miles.

Snowdon in North Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.

The coastline is almost 750 miles long.

 The population of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.