Cardiff Theosophical Society

206 Newport Road,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 – 1DL






International President of the Theosophical Society




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GEORGE S. ARUNDALE was born on 1st December 1878. At the death in child-birth of his mother he was adopted by his aunt, Miss Francesca Arundale, who joined the Society in 1881 and often welcomed H. P. B. as her guest, whom the small George himself knew. He was educated partly in Germany and England, and in 1900 graduated from St. John's College, Cambridge.


Two years later, at Dr. Besant's invitation, he went to India - with his aunt - to become Professor of History at the Central Hindu College, Benares. In 1907 he

was appointed Headmaster of the C. H. College School and later Principal of the College. He was very popular with both boys and teachers. He had a great understanding of youth, with whose welfare he concerned himself all his life.


In 1910 Mr. Arundale gave his first Annual Convention lectures, and frequently addressed these Conventions throughout his life. In the same year he made public the already privately formed Order of the Star in the East, which was intended to help the future work of J. Krishnamurti. As this Order was started among the boys of the C. H. College it caused a commotion among some of the College authorities. Mr. Arundale and the teachers who stood by him resigned.


After a brief period as General Secretary in England Mr. Arundale went back to India to assist Dr. Besant in her urgent political activities. Under Theosophical auspices a National University was established in Madras, of which Rabindranath Tagore became the Chancellor. Mr. Arundale became Principal of the Training College for Teacher. He stimulated education and was outstanding for the manner in which he inspired teachers and gave them the conception of teaching as a sacred profession.


He went to Indore as Minister of Education. The National University bestowed upon him the degree of D. Litt. Mr. Arundale married in 1920 Srimati Rukmini Devi, a member of a very well-known Theosophical Brahmin family, and a gifted artist, whose genius Dr. Arundale fostered in every way. She accompanied him on all his travels.


He became General Secretary in Australia, 1926, where, in addition to his Theosophical duties, he engaged in humanitarian and political work. He helped to set up the 2GB Broadcasting Station and became its first Chairman of Directors. He lived at The Manor and assisted Bishop Leadbeater in preparing it for its important future.


 In 1928, Dr. Arundale was General Secretary in India, but he did not ask for re-election as he desired to help Dr. Besant in her political and other work. He undertook many tours about the world with Srimati Rukmini Devi who began to give her own interpretation of Theosophy through Beauty.


In 1934 Dr. Arundale was elected President and began at once to develop a Seven Year Plan, which included development of Adyar, and stimulus to the Society. The next year he launched a "Straight Theosophy" Campaign, with well-prepared publicity material, which culminated in the brilliant Diamond Jubilee Convention at Adyar.


The next Campaign was entitled "There Is a Plan". In 1936 he presided over a World Congress at Geneva, when he decided the third Campaign should be for "Understanding", which, proving successful, was extended into 1938. After that "Theosophy Is the Next Step" was the subject, but in 1939 war broke out and not much could be done. He then issued "Letters" to Sections which were widely used and helpful.


In 1940 Dr. Arundale set up a Peace and Reconstruction Department so as to have ready a Charter for World Peace when the War had ceased. Each year he stressed that members should be ardent in "spreading the mighty Truths of Theosophy". Though suffering from ill-health, yet he undertook tours in India, and backed with personal attention and enthusiasm the institutions and activities undertaken by Srimati Rukmini Devi. Dr. Arundale died in 1945.


As Dr. Arundale had always been so interested in Youth, he gave much assistance in the formation of the "World Federation of Young Theosophists", 1935, with Srimati Rukmini Devi as President and himself as ex officio Hon. President. Dr. Besant had cherished a longing that there should be a school near at hand in memory of her love for Youth. The beginnings of such an institution Dr. Arundale started in 1954 at Besant Gardens as the Besant Memorial School. It has flourished.


As a Co-Freemason, joining in 1902, he became, 1935, the Most Puissant Grand Commander, Eastern Federation, and Representative of the Supreme Council. In addition he was deeply interested in internationalism, Indian politics and Indian Boy Scouts, and became the Commissioner for Madras Presidency of the Hindustan Scout Movement.Dr. Arundale wrote many books, the most liked being You, Mount Everest, Nirvana, Kundalini and The Lotus Fire.


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Cardiff Theosophical Society

206 Newport Road,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 – 1DL




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The South of Heaven Guide

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Theosophy Tekels Park

Tekels Park, Camberley, Surrey, England GU15 – 2LF

Article describing Tekels Park and its much

cherished wildlife by Theosophist and long

term Tekels Park Resident Madeleine Leslie Smith


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Tekels Park


The Theosophy Cardiff Guide

to Roath Park / Parc Y Rhath




Tekels Park


Tekels Park to be Sold to a Developer


Concerns about the fate of the wildlife as

Tekels Park is to be Sold to a Developer


Concerns are raised about the fate of the wildlife as

The Spiritual Retreat, Tekels Park in Camberley,

Surrey, England is to be sold to a developer.


Tekels Park is a 50 acre woodland park, purchased

 for the Adyar Theosophical Society in England in 1929.

In addition to concern about the park, many are

 worried about the future of the Tekels Park Deer

as they are not a protected species.


Anyone planning a “Spiritual” stay at the

Tekels Park Guest House should be aware of the sale.




The Theosophy Cardiff

Glastonbury Pages


Chalice Well, Glastonbury.

The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to

Chalice Well, Glastonbury,

Somerset, England


The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to

Glastonbury Abbey


Theosophy Cardiff’s

Glastonbury Abbey Chronology


The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to

Glastonbury Tor


The Labyrinth

The Terraced Maze of Glastonbury Tor


Glastonbury and Joseph of Arimathea


The Grave of King Arthur & Guinevere

At Glastonbury Abbey


Views of Glastonbury High Street


The Theosophy Cardiff Guide to

Glastonbury Bookshops





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So what is Theosophy anyway ?


The Theosophical Society

(Who started it ?)


Everything is Negotiable


Theosophy is not a religion

Let’s get that one straight


What about God ?



Why do Theosophists use it ?


Ascended Masters

We can learn something from these guys


The Universe is all one thing

(Not put together)


How the Universe Works

(Universal Law)


Manvantara & Pralaya

(The universe exists for a while and then sort of doesn’t)


Constructing a Universe

Outline of the Creation Process



(Everything evolves)


There is no Dead Matter in the Universe

Everything has Life


The Monad

The Divine Spark in Everything


The Kingdoms of Nature

The 10 rungs on the Ladder of Life



The Sevenfold Constitution of Man

Yes, we all operate at 7 levels


Why Man is not an Animal


What Happens After You Die

(Actually it’s not that bad)

(or shouldn’t be)



(You do take some things with you but sadly not your money)


The Reincarnating Ego

The Link from Life to Life





(The Energy Driving the Universe)



The Breath of Life


Earth’s Planetary Chain

Our Companion Globes


Root Races

We haven’t always looked like this


The Big Names of Theosophy

H P Blavatsky is usually the only Theosophist most

people have ever heard of. Let’s put that right.




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Pages About Wales

General pages about Wales, Welsh History

and The History of Theosophy in Wales



South Stack Lighthouse about 3 miles from Holyhead,

North Wales


Wales is a Principality within the United Kingdom

and has an eastern border with England.

The land area is just over 8,000 square miles.

Snowdon in North Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.

The coastline is almost 750 miles long.

 The population of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.





Theosophy Wales


Theosophy UK



Cardiff Theosophical Society

206 Newport Road,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 – 1DL.






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